Board of Directors
- Velma Lim, president
- Lisa J. Blount, vice president of education
- Pheon Davison, vice president of education
- Douglas Hunt, vice president of finance
- Elizabeth Kim, secretary, vice president of governance and past president
- Niko Torres, treasurer
Committee Chairs
- Daniel Terry, M.D., artistic chair
- Lisa J. Blount, education co-chair
- Pheon Davison, education co-chair
- Douglas Hunt, finance chair
- Elizabeth Kim, governance chair
- Kathy Hart, Ph.D., IDEA chair
- F.J. Dietrich IV
- Joseph Feneck
- Susanne Ghidoni
- Akilah Jeffery
- Lisa Blanco Jimenez
- Pamela Lee
- Cecilia Moran
- James Morris
- Bill Russell
- Roger Sitkin
- Joe Sublett
- Peter Witte*
- Sylvester Aguilar
- Kirk DeJesus
- Bob Gutierrez
Orchestra Representative
- Barbara Maters*
Administrative Staff
All staff can be reached by calling the Symphony office (209) 951-0196.
Chief Executive Officer
Scott Watkins
Assistant to the CEO
Christa Gleason
Music Director and Conductor
Peter Jaffe
Director of Development
Diane Vigil
Box Office Manager
Dan McCabe
Orchestra Personnel/Operations Manager
Hal Willenborg
Musicologist and Program Annotator
Jane Vial Jaffe
Orchestra Librarian
Sarah Bonomo
Marketing and Social Media
Port City Marketing
Kemper CPA Group LLP