Music that Moves You

Music That Moves You

Peter Jaffe, Music Director & Conductor

There’s no substitute for what live symphony concerts do. When you come to a Stockton Symphony performance, you have the wonderful opportunity to:

Explore: There’s something for everyone at the Stockton Symphony. Every season offers events ranging from Pops and Steppin’ Out youth concerts to Classics, encompassing everything from well-known hits to world premieres. Plus, a sense of exploration is embedded right into the music you love to hear—it’s part of the fantastic journey. Whether it be the bridge section in a popular song or the extensive development in a symphonic work, the music takes you on a marvelous emotional adventure, with beautiful mixtures of emotions that can’t be put into words. The music moves you.

Engage: You’re treated to a great sense of camaraderie every time you enter the concert hall. Whether you’re reuniting with fellow subscribers or checking out the Symphony for the first time, the buzz created by the gathering is a performance in itself. And when we can engage with you, our mission becomes realized. Our recently departed and beloved CEO Philip West understood this deeply and helped spearhead the Magic of Music series, bringing ensembles to Boys & Girls clubs, schools, shelters, and children’s homes; outreach concerts in neighboring communities; and the Gatherings series, providing entertaining musical soirees at local wineries.

Excite: There’s an amazing thrill when the orchestra tunes and an expectant pause follows. It’s the full realization that this is live, not canned—anything could happen! Then the adventure begins as the music sweeps you away, putting you back in tune with your feelings big time. The powerful dynamic created by the orchestra and stellar soloists reaching out to the audience and the vibes coming right back—this is what we live for! Your faithful support has kept us thriving and enables us to present this exciting 2023–24 season.

Please keep helping us grow as we approach our centennial—spread the word and bring more family and friends to experience the magic!      

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